Thursday, November 26, 2009

Blogger vs. Facebook

I have a story to tell. I've told four people of my secret fantasy of wanting to write a book. You, Tinker, Paulie, & Winkiless.

Here's the hook: I'm not sure how to tell it. Or if you're interested in reading it. Or if I want to tell. Or what the story line should be.

What I do know is that the story line is not pleasant. Or poignant. It's complicated. Pull yourself up from your bootstraps and completely conflicted - to-this-day-not-completely-resolved complicated. Fucked up - keeps me awake at night complicated.

And yet, I wonder if it's not completely mundane.

I tend to spend time perusing and posting on Facebook. A complete time-fuck, that's what Facebook is.

For a while I've been thinking that my story is what I should be posting. In one or two sentences a day - whatever I can muster the time for - but to commit to a daily entry. My Facebook friends probably don't want (need, or can't handle) the truth. Really though - I'm not sure I want to share with each of them. They might not get it. They might be completely overwhelmed. They might misunderstand.

I know; it is a lot.

But you, my friend, you - in your strength, infinite wisdom, tortured soul - can manage.


Paula said...

I'm interested. Very.

Cori said...

Ready... set... go!

Paula said...

toe tapping in progress. : )